Okay, I’ll admit it… I LOVE ‘Friday Night Lights’ and I say ‘love’ in the present tense because I’m a season behind and once I get settled in Suriname the final season of ‘Friday Night Lights’ will be at the top of my cue. I also use the word ‘love’ in the present tense because I will ALWAYS consider ‘Friday Night Lights’ one of the best television dramas ever produced. My love will never waiver.
It probably goes without saying I’m over the moon about Kyle Chandler’s Emmy win for Best Actor. I’ve been following Kyle since 1996 when he landed to lead on ‘Early Edition’… a show with an okay premise that Kyle made great. His Emmy Award for ‘Friday Night Lights’ is much deserved.
Besides admitting my love for ‘Friday Night Lights’ I also need to admit that I didn’t want to love it. I didn’t even want to watch it. I fell in love with the show on accident. You see… I have a habit… a habit my wife, Serena, merely humors. You see, I like to TiVo the season premiers of all the new shows and watch them when I get the chance… which can be a bit complicated because Serena isn’t interested in watching the odd show. She claims she is ‘too busy to watch just anything’. So my job in the family is to weed though all the mess on television and pick-out the shows she might like (which is a VERY tough job… because she is VERY picky).
Anyway, about two months into the first season of ‘Friday Night Lights’ I started running out of room on my TiVo… I record a lot of stuff and I tend to keep recording a show until I decided if it’s worth watching or not… and since I have two kids and a TV picky wife it can take quite a bit of time before I can alone preview a show.
So… one night in December, 2006 Serena took our oldest (and then only) son, Grayson, to a friend’s house for some all day Bar-BQ event. I wasn’t feeling well, so I stayed home and passed the time sifting though random shows to clear off space on the TiVo. Well… after starting and deleting a half-dozen really crappy shows… I came to ‘Friday Night Lights’ and I thought, “Great… I need to watch a show about a bunch of High School jocks like I need a hole in my head.” So I deleted the six or seven episodes I had collected up to that point… and as I went to delete my ‘Friday Night Lights’ Season Pass, a voice started haunting me… “You shouldn’t delete it until you’ve actually watched it… you’re not making an educated decision. You’re being judgmental!”
So my conscience got the better of me and I undeleted the pilot episode and watched it. And when it ended I thought… “OH – MY – GOD!” I hadn’t seen anything REMOTELY like it… it wasn’t a sports show, it wasn’t a teenie-bopper show… it’s wasn’t even a formulaic drama… it wasn’t anything I had expected. It was just ‘Friday Night Lights’, and it was awesome!
I quickly grabbed my TiVo remote and undeleted the other episodes and double checked my Season Pass and once everything was back to the way it was before, I watched more… I’m pretty sure I got through four more episodes before Serena and Gray got back… and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s an amazing show and I highly recommend it.
Here’s a great link to an article about the show. Check it out:
Obsessions: 'Friday Night Lights' was the band camp of football shows
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